Monday, January 17, 2011

LIFE - The Pros of Kons

From zombies to anime, steampunk, comics and sci-fi...they're WISCONSIN CONS!!!
(I posted them in order of dates.  Also, if information is N/A, I couldn't really find the info for 2011.)

Anime Milwaukee in Milwaukee -
Topics: anime
Activities: cosplay, panels, video programming, rave, exibit hall, AMV contests, children's programming, video gaming, maid cafe
2011 Date: February 18 - 20

KitsuneKon in Appleton -
Topics: anime
Activities:  cosplay, dance, panels, AMV contests, vendors
2011 Date:  February 25 - 27

No Brand Con in Eau Claire (first anime convention in WI)-
Topics: anime
Activities:  AMV contests, panels, gaming
2011 Date:  April 15-17


NakamaCon in Madison -
Topics: steampunk, anime, anthropomorphic
Activities: N/A
2011 Date:  May 27 - 29 (Safari theme, con trying to go entirely anthropomorphic)

WisCon in Madison -
 Topics: sci-fi
Activities:  panels, bake sale, auction, art show, vendors
2011 Date: May 26 - 30

NADW Con in Madison -
Topics: sci-fi
Activities:  charity auction, masquerade, gala banquet, vendors
2011 Date: July 8 - 11


Geek.Kon in Madison -
Topics: anime, sci-fi, gaming
Activities: AMV contests, talent show, masquerade, masked ball, mixer, panels
2011 Date:  September 9-11

TeslaCon in Madison -
Topics: steampunk
Activities:  N/A
2011 Date: November 18 - 20

Daisho Con in Steven's Point -
Topics:  anime, gaming, sci-fi
Activities: panels, online contests
2011 Date: N/A


Edge Comic-Con in Edgerton -
Topics: comics
Activities: N/A
2011 Date: N/A

WausaubiCon in Wausau -!/WausaubiCon
Topics:  anime
Activities:  N/A
2011 Date:  N/A

ZombieCon in Milwaukee -
Topics:  zombies, horror
Activities: N/A
2011 Date:  N/A


Good said...

Are you attending all or some or none of these?

Mommaspider said...

I can't attend any, no working vehicle yet :( I wish I could attend some of them though!!!