Tuesday, February 12, 2008

COWCRAP- The Dysfunction of my Shell

So yeah, the night before last I was carrying Napoleon from the bathroom to the bedroom, five easy steps away and my knee did something I don't think it's supposed to do. I heard it loudly, and I faltered. So of course I couldn't sleep, because not only does it feel like my own body is crushing me when I lay down, my knee was shooting pain clear up to my hip.

I paid for it yesterday.

I am also pretty clumsy and have to type slow sometimes so I can simply 'think' of what I want to say. At this point in reading my complaining, useless blog, if you are feeling sympathy for me - don't. I can't afford my medicine, so I guess it's my own damned fault for suffering the freaking symptoms. So last night my equilibrium was off, and I couldn't CONCENTRATE. I tripped over a toy I didn't see in the dark (thought Napoleon and I put them all away), and crashed headlong into my computer, palms first. Bit bruised today. Bit even more ungraceful and messed up. I slept entirely too long today because my body felt like it was beat up and run over by Mexicans racing to a soccer game (that had free beer).

So whatever. I having to sit down like three times throughout doing the dishes. Dragging my feet wherever I go because my limbs don't obey me properly. Hating all the years I waitressed and could multi-task, and now I can't concentrate or focus on one thing for too long properly either.

I'm starting to think I'm a crappy mom. I hate having really good chances to do things for myself and then them wasting away because apparently I suck at life.


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